This is a personal story of challenge. Challenge is a part of life — but how do you manage it when it seriously impacts on your life?
In this video I share 3 Powerful Ideas I use to help work through major challenges and overcome serious setback.
OK, I would love hearing your experiences, so please share “How You Deal with Challenges” when they pop up for you? Leave your comment and let me know below.
But, make sure you share as much detail as possible, it helps others reading understand your insight and inspiration.
Remember, your experiences may be just what is needed to drive breakthrough and help someone in the community to build a business and life they adore.
Thank you so much for tuning in, reading and sharing, truly grateful for your contribution, inspiration and support 🙂
Wishing you much health, happiness and abundance – take care,
One thing I have learnt when dealing with challenges over the years is to deal with the issues head on. I didn’t have the courage to do that before, I used to stick my head in the sand and let things now over. That worked for the most part and it was easy and convenient. But when I was hit with a family situation involving my parents I had no choice but to intervene and deal with the issue. There was no hiding. Slowly I noticed that dealing with issues delivered a much better outcome.
So I guess overtime I learnt that having the courage to face things worked better for me in the long run despite the difficulty at the time.
Thanks for the post Wesam, good tips in this, worth trying out.
Thanks Manuel. Agree , facing issues helps indeed. Hope your parents situation worked out OK!
Thanks for sharing your personal challenges with lessons and learnings Wesam. I think those switches are actually very profound when I think about them in context with what I’ve experienced, what has works for me and how I could have improved some personal challenges and business situations too.
Glad you found value in “The Power Switches” Valerie. Using them consciously has totally changed my life and many, many others I know too.
Wow, some solid nuggets in this post. Even though your challenges are personal in nature I can see already see how I can implement this approach in my business. Especially with some of my staff to keep them happy to improve their engagement and resulting productivity. Would love to hear you talk more about those switches mate 🙂
Thanks Anthony. I plan on sharing how “The Power Switches” helped and can be used across business situations too, stay tuned 😉
Hi Sam,
What excellent information. This is awesome information you are sharing with us and thank you. I think you are inspirational and the fact you want to ‘pay it forward’ is awesome. I will definitely keep watching and get more inspiration as in life there are always “ups” and “downs”, and we need people like you to help navigate through whatever we are doing. Keep up the great work.
Life is too short – so agree, go out there and make the most of it!
Agree there will ups and downs, they’re a part of life so we’ve got face them. Thanks for dropping by Ally 🙂
I may incorporate something like this with my clients, Wesam. It’s simple yet deeply powerful, brilliant! Question though: how do you consciously flick on those Power Switches? Many times I get clarity after the fact. I guess it’s a case of practice makes perfect, right?
Presence is key Carl… live in the moment and acknowledge whatever happens, happens for a reason… then find quiet space to question. As they say, seek and you shall find. Hope that helps!
Absolutely wonderful! What you are doing is teaching the most powerful of dialogues. It bypasses all senses and is silent because no words in any language can reach, copy or surpass it. It is the language of the heart and the more it takes a recipient’s breath away, the higher two people will fly. When humble, infinitely joyous service with love is the fuel, miracles will happen. It is the Law of Higher Consciousness.
Such a post. My husband and I run a diving center in Cyprus. We want to offer something more than diving to our existing customers. Anyone have any ideas? It can’t be coffee.