If you’re not tuned into your craft or growing your business or whatever else, it could be because you’re not putting out your best work.Maybe you haven’t figured out how to make it pay off.
Chances are, like much of humankind we often allow current circumstances to run our lives.
What if you were able to tap into power, insights and resources to just do your absolute best work?
What if you could change your situation from being a victim of circumstances?
What if you could turn those same circumstances into the perfect spring board for greater things ahead?
For instance I’ve experienced one of those life or death situations that completely changed the way I look at everything. The things that were once seemingly urgent became totally insignificant.
I discovered why I needed to shift my focus. I made a decision and took steps that led to a breakthrough in my life and the way I work – it liberated my absolute best work.
If you’re doing your absolute best work, then I’m confident you find great pleasure from doing what you do. You love it. And, it feels easy and comes naturally. Steve Jobs said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” And like the iPhone in 2007, it provided the most value to the marketplace.
Did you notice that I didn’t talk about putting in any crazy hours grinding it out? I didn’t even say you’re spending massive amounts of energy. Your absolute best work isn’t about that.
It’s about taking what you care about and putting in your absolute best effort to create the maximum value you can that truly serves people – it’s highly VALUED by them and does good in their lives.
For example, if I get to choose and guide the businesses I like and they’re making more money and experiencing more richness in their lives, then that makes me feel awesome.
This feeling of awesomeness is addictive!
Seeing more reputable businesses grow and thrive is very important to me. I’ve spoken about how this affects the future of our children.
I give a damn about providing a better future for our kids. The guys and gals I’m privileged to help care about doing good things too. We call this, the power of giving and receiving from the heart.
To be clear, I’m a businessman at heart, so of course I realise the leverage money and influence provide.
“How you going to make a million money, when you won’t spend just a thousand money.” Unknown
I can’t guide and inspire clients to achieve more and under-value myself at the same time. It just wouldn’t workout. So I do get paid handsomely for it, and I’m grateful for how the money and influence help with making a bigger difference.
This obsession I have with sharing the things you see me share is where my absolute best work is. If I wanted to just make as much money as possible, then there are a lot of things I could do. But, I decided to walk away from those multimillion dollar businesses, even though everything was going super well.
The thing is I’ve helped the other side to win big in business. Then something personal happened which inspired me to change direction. I got committed to where I believe my absolute best work matters most. Sharing my INSIDER’S perspective, the strategies, network, insights, know-how and the resources with businesses I like. I’m committed to them. I’m committed to our children’s futures. And, I want to level the playing field against the big players I use to help.
Look things aren’t always red and rosy. There are specific times where I’ve worked on something and the results didn’t play out the way I hoped. But even then, my absolute best work wasn’t wasted because I put my strategies, experience and know-how and network to work and that’s what matters. So while you’re doing your absolute best work even if today’s efforts aren’t what you hoped they’d be, tomorrow’s another day. And…
There’s No Better Preparation For Tomorrow Than Doing Your Absolute Best Work Today!
Why, because it’s about momentum and being in the flow of doing your absolute best work. That’s my perfect place. And, it’s where I’m free to unleash my experience and creativity and improve my skills every day.
It’s liberating being in this state because I escaped being trapped helping the other side – the global corporations, government agencies, industry controllers and public individuals. They weren’t providing me with the fulfillment, flexibility or the leverage I needed to make the impact I wanted.
I see a world filled with amazing people. And I love inspiring and guiding the businesses I like, so they too thrive from doing their absolute best work to make the difference they want. I believe that’s what creates a positive impact in the world.
Perhaps Your Absolute Best Work comes from helping specific people too. Or maybe it might be from creating content, or designing something or making awesome videos behind a camera. I don’t know. That’s something you need to figure out.
Whatever it is, get crystal clear on it. Get total clarity.
Keep doing it every day. Amplify your edge, improve your skills and be patient even when you’re not all that impressed with today’s efforts. We all have those days. Remember, tomorrow is a new day, and things improve over time. So persist, and stack up the kind of skills that work really well together in your area. Master Your Absolute Best Work and deliver it.
This is not the how-to. This is…
The Direction To Make Your Absolute Best Work Provide What You Desire
This is a common business model for service based business in today’s economy :
- Someone offers know-how and experience.
- Someone else wants it.
- And then there are people and platforms in the middle to help with communication for discovery, value delivery, problems and solutions etc (Facebook, Skype, YouTube, Apps, Print etc).
Economics 101 question – what happens when Your Absolute Best Work is noticed in a hungry marketplace but you can only provide limited access?
Demand goes up. Supply basically remains the same.
So it becomes more valuable. And, those things move prices up and also help determine the people you’ll be choosing to work with.
Before you know it, you’ll find yourself working exclusively with the kind of high-end clients you like who will happily pay you whatever you want because they get your absolute best work and value from you.
Perhaps you haven’t figured out how to generate the revenue you want for what you do best yet.
Maybe you’re not too sure about the strategy or how to position or set up your communication and presentation material so more of the people you want, ask to work with you.
If you’ve got a question about that, let me know.
Look the bottom line is – fire up and do more of your absolute best work. And, it will be a lot of fun because after all you LOVE it don’t you 😉
Here’s to blue skies ahead 🙂